Thursday, October 27, 2011

Review of Classmates blog

Reading other people's blogs was interesting because I got to see what kinds of news stories people write about. Some of the news stories were similar to mine, which was interesting to see.

From last weeks blogs and reading reviews I learned that with every blog you have to keep in mind who the reader is and who you are trying to appeal to. I learned through other people's blog that it is okay to write about the smaller things, not just the headlines in the news. There is always someone your story will appeal to. I think that one thing I feared when thinking about what to write is " will someone want to read this." After seeing everyones else blog, I know I can step out of my box more and attempt to blog about different ideas.

I might start blogging about my academic life, because I never really talked about the issues around me in school. There is so much that needs to be changed or improved on in USP, that blogging about it will help those matters get more attention.

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